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"2016 - Armaan Malik Show"

"2016 - Vishal Shekhar Show 2016 with Neeti Mohan"

"2014 - Sounds of Colors - Shafat Khan Concert"

Anisha Saddy, Co-president of LBF's Charlotte Chapter, organized LIVEbeyond’s fourth fundraiser by inviting Shafat Khan, renouned Tabla and Sital Maestro to music lovers of Charlotte. The mesmerizing lilting Indian classsical sital and tabla recitals were hieght of the evening. Local Music school Aarohan and its teachar Amrita Biswas gave amazing performances in the evening.

"2013 - Kathak and Beyond"

Krishna Chopra, Volunteer Coordinator of LBF's Charlotte Chapter, organized LIVEbeyond’s third fundraiser with AKDA, which was a classical Kathak dance performance from students, teacher and mentors of AKDA. Widely popularized and well attended event was annual recital of AKDA. The Queen City came out in support of LIVEbeyond and AKDA.

"2012 - Poker Fundraiser"

Arjun Suri and Resha Kodali, President and Vice-President of LBF's Charlotte Chapter, organized LIVEbeyond’s second fundraiser, which was a variety all day Poker game in partnership with Enand Foundation. the event raised 3300 plus dollars whcih were shared with Enand Foundation. There were 150 plus poker players who were served with food and drinks . The event was organized by LBF volunteers.

"2011 - Celebrate LIFE with LIVEbeyond"

Roshan Bhave, volunteer coordinator of LBF's Charlotte Chapter, organized LIVEbeyond’s first fundraiser, which was a variety program with dance and comedy.  It took place on August 12, 2011 and raised 3000 plus dollars. The event featured dances and a comedy troupe that involved the audience heavily, much to their delight.  Celebrate Life event was attended by 150 people.

Organize Fundraiser and Screen Documentary

You can organize a fundraiser in your community. Ideas for types of fundraisers include talent/variety shows like Celebrate Life, a casino night party, dinner dances, sports competitions such as billiards and bowling, marathons such as dancing, or the simple and classic 50/50 raffle. You can contact Monicato discuss your ideas or if you want to help her in upcoming fundraisers in near future. You can also screen documentary in your event to raise awareness and educate and motivate potential donors. To request an autographed DVD of LIVEbeyond documentary, click here.